Section 2
11-16 Completion:
11. 对公众开放日:19th March
12. 观看人数:70000
13. *平日价:5 pounds
14. 那天较合适:Sunday
15. powered by electricity
16. 包含的游乐有:racing car
17-20 Matching:
近两年的比较 A. last year B. this year C. both
17. 座位数 选B. this year(去年座位数不够,今年有所改善)
18. *设施 选C. both(两年都有)
19. 汽车试驾 选C. both(两年都有)
20. 汽车抽奖 选A. last year(今年没有了,很遗憾)
Section 2
11-15 Multiple choice:
11. When was this art gallery open to the public: 选C. 1888
12. The former owner of the art gallery wanted it to be 选C. oil painting
13. The biggest capital from donation funded by 选A. local government
14. What will be open to public 选B. sculpture garden
15. Visitor’s attention 选B. tickets should use in a certain time
16-20 Map:
16. multimedia room 选E
17. tea house 选A
18. the web room 选B
19. café 选C
20. shop 选D
Section 2
11-20 Completion:
11. 134 titles
12. 可以借到company的annual reports
13. 还可以借到公司的trade journals
14. 五楼有什么:a bookshop
15. 借film的费用是:1.95 pounds
16. standard borrow period: 4 weeks
17. 可以借多少本:12本
18. Six computers是专门给teenagers
19. 借书要有PIN NUMBER和electronic card
20. 图书馆的开放时间:Tuesday和Friday
Section 2
11-17 Multiple choice:
11. 这个机构的目的? 选A. Educating the public
12. 澳大利亚的工作人员的数量? 选C. 440
13. 用狗来检测违禁物,因为 选B. They stay calm
14. 去年有多少个违禁物items? 选A. 52,000
15. People carrying items that are not allowed: 选C. Will be given a warning
16. When goods carried are found with insects, they will 选B. Be dealt with by the customs
17. A video that was checked was found with 选B. Plant seeds
18-20 Completion:
18. The acceptable material for packing goods in Australia is paper
19. 问为什么进口物品会有问题,主要是因为他们的labels
20. The customs must be given notice of the goods from 2 to 10 days before it arrives in Australia
Section 2
11-14 Multiple choice:
11. Host有收入吗? 选receive no payment
12. 为哪些外国人设立的? 选those difficult to make friends
13. Guest在那里干什么? 选discuss about personal interests
14. 有什么好处? 选promoting cultural understanding
15-20 Completion:
15. two photos, one for vetting, the other one for host family
16. identity
17. have an interview with somebody
18. receive acknowledgement within 7 days
19. confirm
20. decision