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2018 src="/data/file/upload/15402969813329.jpg" style="width: 436px;">


  Part 1

  1. Home/Accommodation

  2. Hometown

  3. Work or studies

  4. High school

  5. Transportation

  6. Sleeping

  7. Friend

  8. Family

  9. Teachers

  10. Being bored

  11. Applications (app)

  12. Ideal work

  13. Punctuality

  14. Study time

  15. Save money

  16. Travel (space travel)

  17. Music

  18. Animal/Pet

  19. Dictionary

  20. Gift

  21. Watch

  22. Plants

  23. Foreign food

  24. Map

  25. Letters

  26. Newspaper

  27. Rainy days

  28. Outside activities

  29. Physical Exercises

  30. Holidays

  31. Space travel

  Part 2

  1. Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theater, sports center) you would like to

  have in your hometown

  2. Describe a public place that you think needs improvement

  3. Describe a city or a country you want to live or work in the future

  4. Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family

  5. Describe a new development (such as new roads, shopping centers) that appeared in your town or city

  6. Describe a quiet place you found

  7. Describe a toy that you had in your childhood

  8. Describe a good photo you had or a good photo of you taken by some-one

  9. Describe a thing you own that you want to replace

  10. Describe something important that you lost

  11. Describe a building you like

  12. Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes you wear in special occa-sion

  13. Describe a childhood friend of yours

  14. Describe a popular person you know

  15. Describe a famous athlete you know or a successful sportsman

  16. Describe a popular comic actor/actress you know in your country

  17. Describe a person you know who like to talk a lot (talkative)

  18. Describe an interesting animal

  19. Describe a memorable story told by someone

  20. Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone.

  21. Describe a special /meaningful meal you had

  22. Describe a special day out that didn’t cost you much

  23. Describe something important that you celebrated (with others).

  24. Describe an activity with an old people in your family

  25. Describe an occasion when someone visited your home

  26. Describe a good service you received

  27. Describe an occasion when you had to be polite.

  28. Describe a time you saved money for something.

  29. Describe a period of history that you think interesting

  30. Describe the time when you received your first cellphone

  31. Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation

  32. Describe an idea of vacation away from home / a trip in the near future.

  33. Describe a time when you were shopping in a street market.

  34. Describe a time when you changed your plan.

  35. Describe a party that you joined in.

  36. Describe a happy experience you had before.

  37. Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you have not

  38. Describe something you do to keep you concentrated.

  39. Describe your favourite season in a year

  40. Describe a technology you like (except computer)

  41. Describe an important rive or a lake or area of water in your country/in your hometown

  42. Describe a subject that you like most

  43. Describe an interesting job you would like to have

  44. Describe a song that means something special to you.

  45. Describe a TV program (TV series / drama) you enjoy watching.

  46. Describe a magazine you enjoy reading

  47. Describe a website that you like to often visit

  48. Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your prima-ry/high school

  49. Describe a competition (talent show, etc) you would like to take part in.

  50. Describe a sport that you have watched (on TV) before and you want to try

  51. Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school

